28 DEC 2021
Mand: Donald Charles Klaebel #3369 Døde i en alder af: 83
Født: 14 OKT 1930 i Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Død: 09 MAR 2014 (se note 1)
Stilling: Chemical engineer in equipment design for the chemical and Petroleum industry.
Far: James Scott Klaebel #1120 (1902 - 1973)
Mor: Ethel Iris Shuey #3368 (1905 - 2002)
Hustru: Jane Stevenson #3370 alder: 92
Gift: 20 DEC 1952 i Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Født: 29 JUL 1929 i Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
K Barn 1: Donna Jane Klaebel #3371 alder: 67
Født: 18 NOV 1954
Mand: Albert Petrin #3374 * 1952
Gift: 11 JAN 1979
K Barn 2: Joanne Beth Klaebel #3372 alder: 65
Født: 08 OKT 1956
Mand: Michael Delaney #3377 * 1954
Gift: 26 FEB 1986
M Barn 3: Paul Donald Klaebel #3373 alder: 62
Født: 09 JUL 1959
Stilling: Superviser, AT&T Memphis warehouse (se note 2)
Hustru: Mary Wilson #3378 * 1961
Gift: 22 APR 2000
Note (1) Joanne Klaebel Delaney informed me on April 24.th 2014: "He had breavely
fought cancer over the past 14 years and had endured many treatments and
surgeries. We miss him very much".
Note (2) Filling of orders for cell phone and equipment for the cell phone
klaebel descendants
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